+49-(0)30 43660386-10

Welcome to German International University in Berlin

Study Abroad in Germany in English

GIU Berlin is a German non-profit state recognized university established in Berlin in accordance with Berlin state law

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Why Study in Germany

Excellence in Education

Easy and affordable access to European Cities Gateway.
Top notch technology, industry-focused and practice-oriented learning environment

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Why Choose GIU Berlin?

When you think of studying abroad, think of GIU Berlin

English as the medium of instruction
Earn your degree from a German state-recognized university.

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GIU Berlin offers Bachelor’s degree programs in various fields of Engineering, Management and Design.


Postgraduate students can pursue Master’s degree in various fields of Engineering, Management and Design.

Gateway to Research

Embark on a journey of cutting-edge research at GIU Berlin, where curiosity meets discovery.

About Us

The German International University (GIU) is a state-recognized university in Berlin, Germany, that strives for excellence in research and teaching as well as in integration of both. GIU offers accredited study programs in various fields in order to qualify students, especially in the technical sciences, for academic careers and/or to meet the demands of German, European and international employers. GIU promotes cultural cooperation through German education, cultural offers, intercultural events and other activities accompanying the study. GIU contributes to greater exchange, knowledge and understanding between Germany and other countries and enriches Berlin's cosmopolitan cultural offerings.

Our bachelor Programs

All study programs and courses are designed according to German and international standards. Students may transfer credits according to the Bologna declaration, and graduates may enter Master or PhD programs at German universities .

B.Sc. in Media Engineering and Technology

The study programs in Media Engineering and Technology provide students with a solid foundation for future professions ...

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B.Sc. in Information Engineering and Technology

The Bachelor of Science program in Information Engineering and Technology offers a foundational engineering education ...

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B.Sc. in Mechatronics Engineering

The study program in Mechatronics Engineering provides students with specific knowledge so that the graduates will be..

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B.Sc. in Architecture

The study program in Architecture focusses on architecture and urban design. The program offers diverse suites of learning activities...

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B.Sc. in Management

The Management program aims to educate for leadership. It offers a generalist and managerial degree instead of a narrow and functional one...

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B.A. in Design

The Design Program at the GIU develops innovation and critical thinking alongside comprehensive communication and skills...

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Double Degree

We are pleased to inform you that you can obtain a double degree from the German International University in Berlin (GIU Berlin) and your home university. The GIU Berlin is a German state-recognized university as per Berlin State law. This is valid only for universities under agreement with GIU Berlin.

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Studying at the GIU Berlin University is an amazing experience: Meeting different people and learning about their culture has helped me broaden my horizons and step out of my comfort zone.


Amina Tamer

MET Student

Don't miss studying and living to Berlin, the food, the events and the people


Ismail Abbas

BINF Student

The academics at GIU Berlin are friendly and supportive. I especially profit from the tutorials where practical problems are being explained and practiced


Jana Azmy

MET Student

Our Master Programs

All study programs and courses are designed according to German and international standards. Students may transfer credits according to the Bologna declaration, and graduates may enter PhD programs at German universities .

M.Sc. Media Engineering and Technology

The study program for the Master of Science in Media Engineering and Technology has the following specializations for students to choose from: Computer Engineering and Technology or Digital Media Engineering and Technology.

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M.Sc. Information Engineering and Technology

The study program for the Master of Science in Information Engineering and Technology has the following specializations for students to choose from: Communication Engineering, Electronics or Networking.

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M.Sc. in Mechatronics Engineering

This Master program in Mechatronics Engineering offers a combination of robotics, electronics and computer engineering modules plus various electives for integrating these disciplines.

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M.Sc. in Architecture

The Master program in Architecture has the following specializations for students to choose from: Architecture and Urban Design or Building Technology and Integrated Design.

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M.Sc. degrees in Management

Students may select among three different Master programs: Accounting & Financial Analysis, Finance & Economics or Marketing & Strategic Management.

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M.A. in Design

The Master program in Design has the following specializations for students to choose from: Graphic Design, Media Design or Product Design.

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Latest News & Events

GIU Berlin July 15, 2024

Design Connects

We are proud to organize the 2nd edition of Design Connects workshops in Berlin after its great success last year. Design Connects offers a versatile program of workshops, joined events and leisure activities. Workshop topics range widely in the creative fields from Architecture, Product to Graphic Design and beyond. It’s a place for young designers from all around the world to interact & connect to emerge with new ideas & create something unique trough design. For more information please visit https://www.giu-berlin.de/DesignConnects/

GIU Berlin July 15, 2024

AI Connects

GIU Berlin is organizing a series of Artificial Intelligence workshops - AI Connects - in Berlin this summer 2024, in collaboration with the GUC and GIU Cairo. aiConnects offers a dynamic array of Artificial Intelligence workshops, collaborative events, and leisure activities. Workshop subjects span a broad spectrum within the realm of AI, covering topics from machine learning, natural language processing to robotics and beyond.Connects event – taking place from 15th till 25th of July, 2024 - act as a hub for innovators to interact and connect from across the globe. For more information please visit https://www.giu-berlin.de/aiConnects/

GIU Berlin July 15, 2024

Music Connects

Music Connects offers a diverse range of experiences tailored to inspire and engage music enthusiasts of all levels. Workshop topics combine exploration and collaboration where the power of music transcends boundaries and sparks innovation


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Professor of Information Systems, President of the University
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Assoc. Professor of Marketing, Faculty of Management and Economic Sciences
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Lecturer of Mathematics and Actuarial Science, Faculty of Engineering / Faculty of Management and Economic Sciences
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Assoc. Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture
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Assoc. Professor of Architecture: Design and Construction, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture
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Assoc. Professor of Communication Design, Faculty of Design
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Lecturer of Financial Markets, Investment and Banking, Faculty of Management and Economic Sciences
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Lecturer of Product Design, Faculty of Design
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Professor of Distributed Systems, Faculty of Engineering
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Professor of Computer Networks, Faculty of Engineering
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Lecturer of Robotics and Mechatronics, Faculty of Engineering
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Professor of Data Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
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Assoc. Professor of Computer Architecture, Faculty of Engineering
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Professor of Engineering Mechanics, Faculty of Engineering